The workshop is aimed at management teachers who are interested in developing pedagogical skills in Case study based instructional designs. The focus of the programme is on Case Teaching and Case Preparation and is useful for young teachers in management schools. The programme is open to participants who are less than forty year old.
The programme aims to provide an opportunity to management educators to learn the leading pedagogical technique in management education, the case method. The programme will create an awareness of the philosophy of case meth0od teaching, the underlying assumptions of learning and its relevance in teaching of various management functional subjects. The participants would be able to use case method for teaching management subjects and specifically to develop cases, select appropriate cases, handle class dynamics, and evaluate students.
Case Analysis; Case Teaching; Case Selection; Evaluating Case Analysis; Evaluating Class Participation in Case Discussion; Using Cases for Examinations; Case Writing; Writing Teaching Notes; and Alternative Pedagogies in Management Education.
Case analysis, case presentations, group discussions, role plays, conceptual lecturers and experience sharing are some of the techniques that would be employed in the workshop. The participants would be expected to actively participate in the class as well a as invest time and effort in preparing for the class discussions and other assignments.
For Participants from AICTE approved institutions : Rs. 4,000.00
From Non-AICTE approved institutions : Rs. 8,000.00
In the event of cancellation of nomination, full refund of the program fee will be made, if request is received in writing at least 15 days before commencement of the program. No refund will be made if such a request comes after this date. However, the amount can be adjusted against nominations in future programs.
This programme will be held during June 08-13, 2009, at IIMK Campus, Kunnamangalam, Calicut. Accommodation will be provided on a twin sharing basis in the IIMK Guest Houses.
Nomination forms duly endorsed by the Head of the Institution along with DD should reach the FDP Office latest by May 26, 2009. DD will be returned to those who are not selected for the programme.
CO-ORDINATOR : Prof. Anandakuttan B Unnithan
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