Saturday, 7 April 2007


          The Institute invites applications from the Indian Nationals belonging to the categories of Scheduled Tribes, possessing excellent academic background, commitment to quality teaching and potential for carrying out outstanding research, for the backlog faculty positions of Scheduled Tribes at the level of Lecturer:

Lecturer (Civil/Electrical/Electronics/Computer/Mechanical/Production/Chemical Engg and Economics)
(Scale of pay 8000-275-13500 (Total emoluments (pay plus DA) at the minimum of the scale is approx

Qualifications, Experience and age : as per AICTE norms
No. of positions: ST – 5 Nos,

Application forms can be downloaded from the website can be obtained from the Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Calicut Kerala 673 601 on requisition accompanied by a self addressed and stamped (Rs.10/-) envelope (25 cm x 10 cm). Each application should be accompanied by a Demand Draft drawn towards the application fee of Rs. 150/- in favour of the Director, National Institute of Technology, Calicut payable at SBI Calicut REC Branch(Branch Code 2207). The candidates are required to submit the application along with the attested copy of the caste certificate and the originals have to be invariably produced at the time of interview, if called for. The completed application forms should be sent to : The Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, NIT Campus (PO), Calicut 673 601 , Kerala, to reach on or before 30th April 2007.

More information on nitc website

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