Monday 18 June 2007

MDP on Lean Six Sigma, July 05-07, 2007

For Whom

The programme is aimed at middle level executives/ management professionals.


Six Sigma emphasizes the need to recognize opportunities and eliminate defects as defined by customers while Lean focuses on maximizing process velocity. Lean Six Sigma is a business improvement methodology that maximizes shareholder value by achieving the fastest rate of improvement in customer satisfaction, cost, quality, process speed and invested capital. The basic objective of the programme is to familiarize the participants with the basic principles of Lean Six Sigma, as well as with the various tools and techniques required in implementing Lean Six Sigma. The programme also covers general quality improvement methods. Use of the statistical software MINITAB in implementing Six Sigma will be demonstrated. The programme will also address the issues that arise in implementing Lean Six Sigma successfully.

The programme will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to Quality
  • Introduction to Six Sigma and Lean concepts
  • Cultural Acceptance of Six Sigma
  • Six Sigma Business Strategy
  • Six Sigma Project Selection Process
  • Six Sigma Critical Success factors
  • Fundamental Differences between Six Sigma and TQM
  • Six Sigma Methodology

      1) Quality Function Deployment 
      2) Seven QC tools 
      3) Design of Experiments
      4) Taguchi Method

  •      Case studies


The pedagogy for the programme will be a mix of lectures and case discussions, and hands-on training in MINITAB.

Date & Venue

This programme will be held during July 05 - 07, 2007 at IIMK Campus, Kunnamangalam, Calicut. Accommodation will be provided on a twin sharing basis in the IIMK Guest House.


Nomination forms duly filled along with the Course Fee should reach the MDP Office latest by June 25, 2007


Residential : Rs.15,000.00
Non-Residential : Rs.12,000.00

COORDINATOR: Prof. R P Suresh and experts from the industry